Ios 12 whatsapp icon
Ios 12 whatsapp icon

ios 12 whatsapp icon

If you’re among those folks who ended up unable to use WhatsApp after the update, you can refer to these subsequent procedures to troubleshoot the app and iOS. Highlighted below are potential solutions and workarounds to deal with a problem with WhatsApp messenger on an Apple iPhone following the iOS 13 update installation. The same thing can happen after installing a software update on your device. Just like any other online apps, WhatsApp is also prone to experiencing random symptoms due to network connectivity issues. You can use data either through Wi-Fi or cellular data network to connect your Apple iPhone to the Internet and use online apps and services like WhatsApp Messenger. This means that your iPhone must have Internet connection. For WhatsApp to work on your device, a data plan is required. This messaging app allows users to exchange text messages, chat, and share media contents including voice messages and video files with individuals or groups. Read on and get help.Īnother popular messaging app that’s used on both Android and iOS platforms is WhatsApp.

ios 12 whatsapp icon

With that said, you’ve got a problem to fix. It turned out that some of your apps including WhatsApp Messenger aren’t loading up or failed to work as intended on your device. Everything was working perfectly fine until you updated your Apple iPhone to iOS 13.

Ios 12 whatsapp icon